27 de enero de 2017


DES'REE LYRICS "Life" Mmm, yeah yeah yeah Oh yeah, yeah yeah Oh life, oh life I'm afraid of the dark Especially when I'm in a park And there's no one else around Ooh, I get the shivers I don't want to see a ghost It's a sight that I fear most I'd rather have a piece of toast And watch the evening news Life, oh life, oh life, oh life Doo, doo doo doo Life, oh life, oh life, oh life Doo, doo doo doo I'm a superstitious girl I'm the worst in the world Never walk under ladders I keep a rabbit's tail I'll take you up on a dare Anytime, anywhere Name the place, I'll be there Bungee jumping, I don't care Life, oh life, oh life, oh life Doo, doo doo doo Life, oh life, oh life, oh life Doo, doo doo Life, doo, doo doo Doo, doo doo So after all is said and done I know I'm not the only one Life indeed can be fun If you really want to Sometimes living out your dreams Ain't as easy as it seems You wanna fly around the world In a beautiful balloon Life, oh life, oh life, oh life Doo, doo doo doo Life, oh life, oh life, oh life Doo, doo doo doo Life, oh life, oh life, oh life Doo, doo doo doo Life, oh life, oh life, oh life Doo, doo doo doo Doo, doo doo doo Doo, doo doo doo Doo, doo doo doo Doo, doo doo doo Doo, doo doo doo Oh life, oh life Oh life, oh life, oh life, oh life Oh life, oh life, oh life, oh life

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