2 de agosto de 2011

Kak molody my byli (Как Молоды мы Были) Muy feliz Día de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles a todas mis tocayas

Oglyanis, neznakomyy prohozhiy,
Mne tvoy vzglyad nepodkupnyy znakom...
Mozhet, ya eto, - tolko molozhe,
Ne vsegda my sebya uznaem...

Nichto na Zemle ne prohodit bessledno.
I yunost ushedshaya vse zhe bessmertna.
Kak molody my byli,
Kak molody my byli,
Kak iskrenne lyubili,
Kak verili v sebya!

Nas togda bez usmeshek vstrechali
Vse cvety na dorogah zemli...
My druzey za oshibki proschali,
Lish izmeny prostit ne mogli.

Nichto na Zemle ne prohodit bessledno.
I yunost ushedshaya vse zhe bessmertna.
Kak molody my byli,
Kak molody my byli,
Kak iskrenne lyubili,
Kak verili v sebya!

Pervyy taym my uzhe otygrali
I odno lish sumeli ponyat:
Chtob tebya na zemle ne teryali,
Postaraysya sebya ne teryat!

Nichto na Zemle ne prohodit bessledno.
I yunost ushedshaya vse zhe bessmertna.
Kak molody my byli,
Kak molody my byli,
Kak iskrenne lyubili,
Kak verili v sebya!

V nebesah otgoreli zarnicy,
I v serdcah utihaet groza.
Ne zabyt nam lyubimye lica.
Ne zabyt nam rodnye glaza...

Nichto na Zemle ne prohodit bessledno.
I yunost ushedshaya vse zhe bessmertna.
Kak molody my byli,
Kak molody my byli,
Kak iskrenne lyubili,
Kak verili v sebya!

like you're alive again
take ten broken limbs
and make it alright for them
and I needed you more,
more than you'll ever notice
but I need to do more
if you're to ever know this

or you won't care at all
no, you won't care at all
for you won't care at all
no, you won't care at all

dance puppet boy
if you do a good job
then they'll want you again,
give it all that you've got
show them the joy and the pain and the ending
then do it again, and we'll all stop pretending
they'll pay more attention to what's before mentioned
as you bob your head
'cause you're not even listening
a very small few of you even give meanings
but laugh, clown boy, laugh
'cause it's always so pleasing

feel, damn you, feel
like you're alive again
I needed to know,
needed a show of hands
for all this couldn't be sure
as we see a lot of them
and i traded it all,
could i make a difference
at all?

I met a woman,
she was wonderful,
everything perfect,
we both had the world
but I filled up my senses
with thoughts from the ghost
and i spent her life savings
left no room for
both of us
crying and trying
and screaming aloud,
I barely can see her tumultuous crowds
are careful to hide her and sing much too loud
see, you don't even know what i'm talking about

feel, damn you, feel
like you're alive again
I needed you more,
than you would ever've noticed
Et Al
Couldn't be sure
that you would ever notice
but i gave it my all
did i make a difference at all?

like you're alive again
take ten broken limbs

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Rest in peace, David Lynch